Since the last newsletter, the clan chief has acquired a highland cow and calf and a 3 year old heifer from the Queen Mother’s Glamis Estate. The cow is 12 years old and the bull calf, which is the heifer’s half brother, was born in April and has been nicknamed Haggis until such time as his formal pedigree papers are to hand. The pedigrees of the two cows are shown below and we thought it would be fun if Clan members were to suggest suitable nicknames for the cows. The two best names will be chosen by the Chief and the successful Clan members given a small prize. The cows are still nervous, having been used to comparatively wilder open spaces on Glamis, but through the care of Ian Menzies they are becoming quieter and it is hoped that before long they will be prepared to stand quietly while Clan members have their photographs taken with them.
The lambing at Hunterston was successful and lambs from the early lambing ewes were sold at the beginning of June, which is earlier than last year. We are now in full swing selling fat lambs, and before long shall be buying in lambs from neighboring farms to fatten before sale through the market.
We had a very worring time in early May when Willie McCutcheon, the farm grieve, suffered a heart attack. Willie, who lives at Cockston, has made a remarkable recovery and is now back at work but for a while John Beckett and his wife carried virtually the whole workload of the farm. Thankfully Danny Somers, a retired shepherd, who has known the Chief and his family for a considerable time stepped into the breach and became a temporary shepherd which eased some of John’s work load. Willie is now back at work but must obviously be less of a workaholic than he has been in the past, consequently Danny has agreed to remain as a full-time employee.
We are currently experimenting with 50 ewes to produce fat lambs for Easter. This will necessitate lambing early in November. Initial indications are that the experiment is not going to be as successful as was hoped. It is interesting that the Chief and his wife visited Purdue University in Indiana in 1978 where similar experiments were being carried out. We have written to the University seeking advice.