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History of the Hunters of Hunterston

How do you become a member of Clan Hunter.

You can join Clan Hunter through the Clan Hunter Associations, your initial membership fee includes the fee to join both the Local Association and Clan Hunter.

Once your membership Fee and Form have been forwarded to Hunterston you will receive a Clan Hunter Membership Pack which will include the following items:

  • Emblazoned certificate signed by Madam Pauline Hunter of Hunterston, Clan Chief.
  • A book detailing the history of Clan Hunter and Hunterston
  • Details of our Mail Order Catalogue
  • A sample of Hunter of Hunterston tartan.
  • A copy of the Clan Crest that can be scanned for personal use in Letter Headings etc.

You will also be able to use the Clan Hunter Crest, guidelines on it's use are included in the pack, as well as a copy that can be scanned into a computer.

Descendants of Hunter's as well as those bearing the name Hunter can apply to join clan Hunter.

Membership applications can be downloaded from our site.