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History of the Hunters of Hunterston

Untitled-2 (From 2007)

Dear Hunter Clan members,

Thank you to all those who came to Hunterston to celebrate our 900th anniversary this year, it was an excellent weekend. This year being such an auspicious year for us I made the decision to have a special presentation of the ‘Order of the Royal Huntsman’ to three Clan members. The presentation was marked by special wording on the plaques that were given with the silver horn brooches. Those given the award were Beverly Sheirer of Pennsylvania, USA, Tom Hunter, of Ontario, Canada and Clan Officer of the Canadian Clan Association, and Gordon Hunter of Gosforth, England.

Following this I gave a commemorative candle to each family present. These Candles were globe shaped and made locally in West Kilbride, in the Clan colours, green, red and yellow and each candle had ‘900 years’ in lettering.

We were fortunate with the weather but the midges feasted on us all on Friday evening all during the storytelling. The storytellers ensured we were well entertained and several clan members were involved in the stories. Saturday saw the encampment and displays again involving clan members. All ages were able to have a try at the archery and try their hand at being in a shiltron. On Sunday we had a local Scottish dance group give a display and the Isle of Cumbrae Royal British Legion Pipe band who have won many competitions. Once again we were privileged to use the Masonic Hall in West Kilbride for our Clan Dinner. This hall has associations with the Hunters of Hunterston from its beginnings. We were also delighted to once again welcome members from Clan Muirhead who came to join our celebrations and to re-cement our Link of Friendship.

We had Clan members from all over, from Australia, Canada, New Zealand, USA and the UK. It was really good to see everyone mixing and getting on so well. This is a great opportunity for clan members to make new friends and swap genealogies. I really enjoyed meeting with so many of you. It is always such a pleasure to be able to welcome Hunters to Hunterston.

Usually we have our Clan Gatherings every three years. However, in 2009 there is a special event, in Edinburgh on the 25th and 26th July, which is called Home Coming Scotland and is a celebration of our Scottish Culture. So I have decided that we shall have our Gathering in 2009. To find out more about the event please go to The Hunters have booked our clan tent and I shall have more for you next year. If you are interested in coming please note that Edinburgh gets booked up and decisions will need to be made sooner rather than leaving it to the last minute. I shall be organizing a venue for a Clan get together/dinner and will let you know what has been arranged.

Yours aye,

 Madam Pauline Hunter of Hunterston and of that Ilk,
 Clan Chief and 30th Laird