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History of the Hunters of Hunterston

The Order of the Huntsman


The Order of the Royal Huntsman was created by Madam Pauline in 1998 to recognize those Clan  members who have made an outstanding commitment to Clan Hunter.
The award is only given to one person annually except for the first year of its  inception when the first three Clan Officers  to serve Clan Hunter were given the award. they were  Albert Hunter Clan Officer of Australia, John Hunter Clan Officer for Canada and Charles Hunter Clan Officer/ President for the USA.

In agreeing to become the first Clan Officers for Clan Hunter they also committed themselves to setting up the Clan Associations with all the hard work  that task entailed in their respective countries.

The Order of the Royal Huntsman was so named in recognition of the dedicated  service that the Hunters have given to the Scottish Crown in the past as Royal  Huntsman.

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