Clan Hunter Association UK

   APRIL 2003

The  Clan Hunter Association UK AGM will be held on April (26th), all members  are invited to attend the AGM. The AGM will be held in the Great Hall of Hunterston Castle, if you are interested in atteding, or would like more information, contact  Peter Hunter the Membership Secretary peter.hunter@clan-hunter.co.uk.

Annual General Meeting
In the Great Hall, Hunterston Castle
Saturday 26 April 2003



The meeting will commence at 3pm.  And end at
Approximately 5.00pm

 1. An opening word from our Clan  Chief
    Madam Pauline Hunter of Hunterston

 2. The Clan Officer
    Robert Hunter

 3. Apologies

 4. Minutes of last meeting
    To read and if approved, to confirm  as a true record of the AGM held April 2002

 5. Secretary’s Report
     Peter Hunter

  6. Treasurers Report
     Gordon Hunter

 7. Council Member Nominations

 8. 2004 Clan Gathering

 9. Any other business

10. Date of next Annual General  Meeting 2004

 11. Closing remarks by Clan Officer




After the AGM there will be a Council members meeting.

The AGM took place on the 26th April, it was a very positive and successful  meeting. A total of 4 new Council Members were elected. A brief outline of the meeting will be posted shortly.


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