This section of our web site is dedicated to those who actively support and promote Scotland and it's Heritage. Those listed here need not be Hunter descendants, or members of Clan Hunter.
Many individuals and organisations work hard to protect our heritage, they also promote the publics awareness of the rich history that is Scotland, from the Lowlands and Boarders to the Highlands and Islands.
If you would like to be featured on these pages, then contact the Webmaster on the link provided, it is anticipated that any individual or organisation featured on these pages will in turn put a link to our web site on their web site.
POSH, an organisation that aims to restore the graveyards of Sutherland. Click the link below to see an extract from their press release, and an example of the work that they are doing. You will also find a link to their site so you can keep up to date with their activities and possibly contribute towards their work. For any information on POSH, please contact them directly using the links provided.View POSH Press Release