We are continually updating and improving our Web Site. We would like you to sign our guest book, we value your opinions and suggestions on the web site.
Please include your Email address and a Web Site address if you have one. It would also be interesting if you could add the City and Country you live in. If you are already a member of Clan Hunter, either in the UK or one of the International Associations, then add your membership number.
We like to keep in touch, we may from time to time send you an email to let you know that the content of the Web Site has been updated. I will be creating a mailing list of those who would like to be kept up to date on a more regular basis. If you would like to be added to the list, simply send an email to the Web Master with the Title "Add me to the Mailing List". Feel free to add any other information or to contact other members of the Clan Council with specific areas of interest.
We hope you find our web site both interesting and useful.
Regards, Peter Hunter