Burke's Peerage and Gentry - The definitive historical guide to the UK and Ireland's titled and landed families. Web site holds database containing over 1 million individuals and e-magazine. Many resources including Clan information, Clan Map, guide to castles and houses, royalty, discussion groups, news and much more.

The link below is to the site that kindly makes Celtic Art available for use in Web Sites such as this one. Visit it to find out more about Celtic History.

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Anderson Society Ltd. - formed to promote and share pride and kinship of Anderson ancestry. Arbuthnott Family Association Archbold - genealogy and links.

Bailie Barclay Bell Boyd Society Brodie Brown Family Genealogical Society Bruce Buchan Buchanan Butter
Cameron Chisholm Clan Gregor, Pacfic Northwest Chapter Cockburn Colquhoun Society Cumming Cunningham Currie
Davidson Drummond Dunbar
Fergusson Fletcher Forsyth Society USA Fraser - resource for Frasers and its sept names including Simms, Simpson, Simons, Tweedie, Tweeddale
Gilchrist Gillies Glendinning Gow/MacGowan Gregor - includes the clan's history, genealogy, and tartans. Gunn
Hall Hanna, Hannah, Hannay - history of the ancient Scottish family name Hannay Hay Home/Hume Society International Hunter
Johnstone Heritage Page
Kellie (Kellogg) Kennedy Kerr Kincaid
Leslie Lindsay Livingstone Lobban
MacAlister MacArthur Macaulay MacBean of North America MacChruiter - also known as McWhorter. MacDonell of Glengarry MacDougall Society MacDuff of America MacEwen MacInnes MacKay Mackenzie Society of Scotland & the UK - membership available and information about the clan. As recognised by the Chief of the Clan, Lord Cromarty. MacLaren MacLean MacLellan MacLeod Society - how to join the Clan MacLeod Society, in the USA and worldwide. MacMillan, Pacific Branch, Southern District Macnab Society, Inc - organization representing Macnabs, Septs and friends worldwide. MacNeil - contains history, origins, and other information. MacQuarrie MacRae Macrae - Clan history and family genealogy with searchable database, and related Scottish history culture MacTavish - Thom(p)son Malcolm Society Marjoribanks Matheson Maxwell McCarty - for researchers of the Irish surname McCarty/MacCarthy and its variations. McCorquodale McLaurin Morrison Mowat/Mouat
Ogilvy Oliver
Pittendrigh - sharing and collecting family tree info and links.
Sinclair Stewart Sutherland