Burns Night 2003 took place at the Gretna Hall Hotel, this was a great location for the event which was well organised.
The hotel comfortable and the rooms are fairly good, though not overly large. The food is excellent, both the Bar Meals and the Main Meals laid on in the Restaurant. The bar meals were well priced with an excellent number of choices.
There is a good amount of parking, both front and back.
The Blacksmith shop is well worth a visit, as are other local shops.
The staff were friendly and helpful, if you want to charge things to your room, you must remember to swipe a Credit Card at reception, it does make life easier.
The entertainment was provided by William Williamson (Singer and M.C.), Gavin Maxwell (Piper) and Ewan McGowan (Accordionist). William Williamson and Gavin Maxwell have a business in Moffat, I will be featuring more on them in another section of this web site.
This section of the web site will contain Photo's, Video and Sound tracks from the main evening. I will make the Video clips short so that they can be downloaded using an ordinary 56k Modem, I may eventually put up some larger files aimed at those with a Broadband connection. Each file will give it's file size so that you can decide if you want to download it or not.