Madame Pauline continues her support of the “Killie” Cheerleaders by handing over a cheque to the girls at Hunterston Castle. This will allow the girls to continue their practice sessions. Kilmarnock Football Club and the Kilmarnock Cheerleaders give Madame Pauline a big thank you for her support.

Fleurs ae the Forest
Albert SJ Hunter Clan Officer, Australia
It is with regret that word has reached me via Madame Pauline that Albert SJ
Hunter, Clan Officer, of Australia has died. Known as “Bert” he was made Clan Officer, for Australia, in 1984 by Neil Alymer Hunter, 29th Laird of Hunterston. Bert attended many of the Clan Gatherings at Hunterston and I had the privilege to meet him and his wife Claire, at the gathering at Hunterston in 2001. The Clan will miss him and on behalf of all Clan Hunter Association UK members I extend our thoughts and our prayers to Claire and her family at this sad time.
Yours aye Robert Clan Officer.