Newsletter of the Clan Hunter Association U.K.
Editor: Stephen McGinty : Publisher William P.Hunter Esq
February 2002
Dear Clansfolk,
I am delighted to announce that "The Order of the Royal Huntsman" has been awarded to Adrian Hunter Gardner, a UK Clan Hunter Association member. The award is very well deserved as Adrian has been one of our most stalwart and longstanding Clan Members of the UK Clan Association. He stayed with the Clan Association even though it was inactive for several years and when the UK Clan Association restarted again he offered his services unhesitatingly. He has been invaluable for raising the profile of Hunters in the UK and in his region, the South West of Scotland and has supported all the Clan meetings and events. Despite failing health he offered to take on the post of Treasurer when it became vacant recently. The award was given to Adrian, in Castle Douglas Hospital prior to his death on the 30th January. We all send our most heartfelt thoughts to his wife Peggi. Adrian will be sorely missed by many Clan members not only from the UK Clan Association but also by the many other members worldwide that he knew. A memorial service will be held at Hunterston Castle at this yearsAGM of the UK Clan Association and his ashes will be scattered around Hunterston Castle as this was his last wish. We will also be planting a memorial tree and plaque to him.
This January I was able to join the UK Clan Association at their Burns Supper held near Lockerbie. We had an excellent evening and get together which I certainly enjoyed. I hope that more of you will join us next year. Lockerbie is very conveniently situated near to the motorway and accessible for both Scottish and English Clan members.I have recently received information regarding a new web site that might be of interest to those of you who are trying to find out more about your ancestors. The idea behind the website is to encourage those of you who have Hunter ancestry to visit your roots, Scotland. I am always especially pleased to hear that Clan members from the UK visit Hunterston Castle and Scotland. When you wish to visit Hunterston Castle please contact Mary Ross, East Wing, Hunterston House, Hunterston Estate, West Kilbride, Ayrshire, KA23 9QG. Tel; 01294-829752. The web site is:www.ancestralscotland.com
Yours Aye
Rabbie Burns night.
The Clan Hunter Association U.K.Held a burns supper night in theDryfesdale Hotel. See story page 5.
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about your council members and what they do…see more inside….Fleurs ae the Forest .See page 6