Council Member:
William P. Hunter Esq.
Publicity Officerwas born in Hamilton, Lanarkshire, in 1944.In 1968 he joined Lanarkshire Constabulary later to become part of Strathclyde Police. During his Police Service he was commended on 11 occasions. He is the Shopping Centre Manager at the Clyde Centre, Clydebank and is a Director of the West Dumbartonshire Town Centre's Initiative. He joined the Clan Hunter Association in 1997 and held the position of Membership Secretary. In 1998 he was granted Armorial Bearings from Lord Lyon KIng of Arms Sir Malcolm Innes. His daughter Anne is the current Membership Secretary

Council Member:
Anne S. Hunter (Membership Secretary)
Hello everyone and may I take this opportunity to wish you all a Happy New Year and I hope that you all enjoyed yourselves over the festive period. I know that in this issue Robert, our Clan Officer wants each of the Council Members to write a short piece introducing themselves so that you all get to know us just a little bit better so here goes.Well as you all know my name is Anne S. Hunter, I'm 32 and an Office Administrator for my sins. I live in Hamilton and I joined the Association around 3 years ago and was elected to the post of Membership Secretary around a year and a half ago. This position involves collecting all of your subscription dues, keeping the membership list updated, issuing membership cards and welcoming new members and the most important part is keeping the Clan Officer on the straight and narrow whenever he tries to do too many things at the one time, which is quite often!!
The Council has decided that an addition to the Rules and Regulations governing the Clan Hunter Association UK is required. This rule would read as follows.
"The Clan Hunter Association UK reserves the right to refuse an application from any person seeking membership and that no reason need be given for the refusal. A quorum of two thirds of the Clan Council will be required."
Before such an addition can be made the clan Council is required to seek a vote from the members at the next AGM. The membership is therefore requested to give some thought to the rule change and if they have any objections to this rule being implemented they should send their objections in writing to Miss Anne Hunter, Membership Secretary, 9 Low Waters Road, hamilton, ML3 7LG, in order that they can be discussed at the AGM on 27th April 2002 at Hunterston Castle. All those in favour need not not respond. All replies should be in the hands of the Membership Secretary by the 13th April, 2002.
William P. Hunter Esq. Clan Council