News Letters


Hugh Hunter

It was with sadness that I learned of the death, in November,  of one of our members Hugh Hunter of Birmingham. He died of a heart attack as a result of a stroke he had suffered in October.

In her letter to me, his widow Pauline said that they had been married for fifty-two years and for all of that time Hugh was not just her husband, but also her partner and friend. A friendly and popular man he certainly was. The attendance at his funeral  attests to that. I do know that whenever I spoke to him on the phone (he and Pauline were always having a son or daughter join  our association) he always left me with a smile on my face that  seemed to last for ages and a feeling that I had known him for  years.

I would like, on behalf of The Clan Hunter Association, to offer  our condolences to Pauline and her family for the loss of such  a good man, husband and father.

Stuart H Hunter


News from Canada

At their AGM Members considered a sample design for membership  cards. The idea is to have a different design or colour of card each year. The cards will not only serve as a tangible reminder of membership, but also will be a reminder of when to pay the  annual subscriiption.

The Hunter's Halloo (Canadian Association Newsletter) continues  to go from strength to strength. An interesting suggestin was the offer from a member to translate the Newsletter into French for French speaking Hunters. It was agreed to canvass members  to see if this was something that was wanted.

The Canadian Web Site has a new look (and a new address it si  clanhunter.webjump.com). The Web Page is paying off, it was reported, with inquiries for genealogy information from both Canada and the US. A copy of the site is now available in French.

Annual General Meeting
In the Great Hall, Hunterston Castle
Saturday 8 April 2000
Finger buffet at 2.00pm.


The meeting will commence at 3.00pm and  end at approximately 5pm.

1. An opening word from  our Chaplain Reverend Alastair G Hunter.
2. The Clan Chief Madam pauline N. Hunter  of Hutnerston.
3. The Clan Officer Stuart Hunter.
4. Apologies.
5. Minutes of last meeting, to read and, if approved, to confirm as a true record the minutes of the AGM held on Saturday 24 April 1999.
6. Secretary's report, to receive a report from William P Hunter.
7. Treasurer's report, to receive a report from Vera Hunter.
8. Council meeting, Report of the meeting  held recently in Carlisle.
9. Any other business.
10. Date of Annual General Meeting in 2001.
11. Close, Closing remarks by the Chaplain.

Council Meeting

At 5.30pm any and all business from the  AGM.

Notificatin of attendance

It would be a great help to us in making arrangements  for the Annual General Meeting if you would fill in the Booking  Form below, whether you intend to be present or not, cut it out and mail it to the Clan Officer. Cheques for the buffet should be made payable to Mrs Vera hunter.

Booking Form

Name: _____________________________

Address: ___________________________


Phone: ____________________________

Membership No: _____ No. in Party: _____

I/we will/will not be attending the AGM*

I/we do/do not wish the finger buffet  at £4.00*

Please complete this form, cut it out  and send it to: Stuart Hunter, Clan Officer, Clan Hutner Association, UK, 6 Winnall manor Road, Winchester, SO23 0NW.
To arrive no later than Wednesday  15 March 2000.


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