The meeting was opened by the Clan Officer and President of Council, Stuart H. Hunter.
Present Stuart H Hunter (President), William P. Hunter (Secretary), Adrian Gardner, Robert Hunter, Gordon Hunter. An apology was tendered on behalf of Tom hunter.
Resignation The Secretary intimated that Tom Hunter, the Newsletter Editor, had notified the Clan Officer of his intention to resign as Editor and Council Member for personal reasons from the date of publication of The Hutners' Tryst in February. He would however, remain a Clan member. The Clan Officer stated that he was actively pursuing the task of finding a replacement for Tom.
Obituary Stuart Hunter informed the meeting that Hugh Hunter, husband of Pauline Hunter of Birmingham had sadly passed away in November. He had passed condolences to the family on behalf of himself and the Association and informed the family that an Obituary would be inserted in the next issue of the newsletter.
Membership The Secretary intimated that the membership, which had numbered 53 at the AGM in 1999, had now increased to 68. He also said that he had written to the 'old' members on the unpaid list inviting them to rejoin. This had resulted in five members rejoining. Membership was holding steady with only three members still to renew their subscriptions.
Stuart Hunter reported that he had written to the Clan Forester seeking to engage in a dialogue with their Association with the aim of establishing closer ties on a social level. It was agreed that an invitation should be sent to Clan Forester inviting them to join us at Hunterston next year.
The Clan Officer said that he had been in conversation for some time with the Most Hon. Duncan Paisley of Westerly. During this dialogue it had been suggested that Clan Hunter could perhaps take the initiative for hosting a Mass Gathring of the Clans, on the lines of Roots '97, some time in the future.
The meeting agreed that discussions should take place with other Lowland Clans to foster closer bonds and to pursue the possibility of organising a Lowland Clan Gathering plus other social activites at a future date.
The meeting recognised the requirement to satisfy the needs of our existing members and that the appointment of additional Council Members was desireable.
The Secretary stated that he had received an email from a Hunter in South Africa inquiring about joining the Association or establishing a branch in South Africa. Stuart Hunter instructed the Secretary to reply that Hunters in South Africa were welcome to join the UK Association as it also incorporated South Africa. In order for a branch to be started there, Stuart would have to resign as Clan Officer for South Africa.
It was agreed that Council Members should take responsibility for members in specific ares and make contact with them.
The meeting agreed to contact J. Hunter Blair of Blairquan to ascertain whether he would care to join the Association as a Council Member.
Stuart Hunter agreed to approach Irene Thornton, a former Council Member, to inquire if she would be willing to serve as a Council Member again.
Hunterston Restoration Fund The meeting agreed that the sum of £300 be donated to the Hutnerston Restoration Fund. It was further agreed that further discussions would be necessary to determine how much should be donated in future years.
Clan Hunter Association UK rules and regulations. Stuart Hunter proposed that rule four final paragraph) should be altered from three motnhs to two months.
Adrian Gardner seconded this. (Rule four, final paragraph states: "In the event of a subscrition not being paid by a membe within 3 months of the due date and following one reminder, membership shall be deemed to have lapsed.")
It was agreed this proposal should be put to the AGM for discussion and being voted upon.
Clan Hunter Association UK
Clan Chief Madam Pauline Natalie Hunter of Hunterston
Officers Clan Officer: Stuart Hunter Secretary: William P Hunter Treasurer: Vera Hunter Newsletter Editor Thomas J G Hunter Hon Genealogist/Historian Brian Stanley Hunter Chaplain Alastair G Hunter
Council A H Gardner Gordon Hunter Robert Hunter Stuart H Hunter Tom Hunter Vera Hunter William P Hunter Deirdre Quaile
Proposals The Secretary proposed that Madam Sonia Hunter of Hunterston be made an Honorary Member of the Association. Robert Hunter seconded. It was agreed this proposal should be discussed and voted upon at the AGM.
Newsletter The Clan Officer intimated that the Newsletter required afund of stories and articles and that he was seeking copy from members of the Council for future issues. Members present agreed to supply family stories and events for insertion.
Any other business There being no other business, the meeting was closed by Stuart H Hunter.
THANK YOU It has been reported elsewhere in this issue that I shall be handing over the Editorial reins of The Hunter's Tryst to another with immediate effect.
I wish to take this opportunity to say that it has been both a privilege and a pleasure to edit the newsletter during its formative years. I have enjoyed producing it. I hope you have enjoyed reading it. TOM HUNTER.
Published by The Clan Hunter Association UK, 6 Winnall Manor Road, Winchester, Hants, SO23 0NW. Editor: tom Hunter, 28 Pastern Place, Downs Barn, Milton Keynes, MK14 7RD. Email